Wednesday, November 4, 2009

A Murder, A Mystery, & A Marriage

*John Gray-father
*Village of Deer Lick-very small
*Mary Gray- daughter; Hue Gregory- rich man who loves Mary
*Sarah/Sally Gray- mother
*Tom Gray- brother
*Dave Gray- uncle who hates Hue because when Dave tried to steel Hue's fathers land Hue stopped him.
*Hue proposed to Mary & everyone thought it was great because he was rich.
*Dave left all his money to Mary, so John forbid Mary to marry Hue because it would cause problems
*One day John found a stranger named George Wayne in the prarie.
*Later he admits his real name is Count Hubert dee Fountingblow & his father is a Lord.
*The count starts expressing an interest in Mary.
*One day Dave is talking to the Count then Hue joins their conversation and Dave and Hue get in a fight and Dave threatens to write a new will leaving Mary nothing.
*Dave is murdered and everyone thinks Hue did it because there was a scrap of his jacket, blood on his pants, and a bloody knife in his bed.
*On the day Hue is suppose to die one of Count's friends tells everyone that Count really did it, so he is arrested and Hue & Mary are married.
*Finally we find out that Count only wanted Mary for the money, because he isn't really a Count, his real name is Gean Mercier.

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